"How I went from poor me, to please pour me a drink and celebrate with me"

"How I went from poor me, to please pour me a drink and celebrate with me"

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Pandora was rolling today, listening to Nicki Minaj station and the song "Only" comes on. You know the one with Nicki, Drake, Lil Wayne and Chris Brown.  Now anybody that knows me knows that I'm the biggest Lil Wayne fan ever. So yeah the song comes on and I'm jamming. Like literally delivering mail, singing  so loud. As I said I'm the biggest Weezy fan, so of course I know every single lyric. Then he says, " my story is how I went from poor me to please pour me a drink and celebrate with me." Now I've heard this song at least a thousand times and I've heard this part, but today those lyrics spoke to my soul.  I'm like Yasss!  I know Wayne meant how he went from literally being poor, to being a millionaire.  But see I took it in a whole different way.  Go from the poor me attitude and celebrate yourself, no matter what you go through.

Life's tolls can determine your mood if you allow it. You could wake up and be in the happiest mood, but you wake up and the lights are off and immediately your mood is now set on HEATED. Instead of giving God praises for waking you up, you are cussing and fussing because you forgot to pay the bill. You get fully dressed and headed out the door just to find you have a flat tire and no money until Friday, or maybe your having the best sleep and your kids wake you up with their many request and complaints and now you're a sour puss. I could go on and on, but you get the point right?  Be determined to have a good day, even in situations where it seems there is no way out. God allows things to happen in our lives for many different reasons, but all having one common factor; His reason! The bible says, " in this life there will be tribulations." But God says, "Be of good cheer for I have already overcome the world." (John 16:33) So when life's troubles take you for a ride remember God has already brought you victory and He gives you peace. You just have to go through the process. Even when you have no idea how things will work out, how you will get the money, how you will go on after that break up, how you will even eat, don't worry and have joy in the bad times. One reason being that somebody always has it worse than you and secondly God will never put more on you than you can bear. Have joy during the hard times. We have to endure hardships like a good soldier in Jesus Christ. (2Timothy 2:3)


"In this life there will be tribulations"


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Sometimes the things you go through are not for you. It's for you to go through, GET THROUGH, then help someone else as they go through. I had been procrastinating and not doing what God was telling me to do (write this blog), saying to myself " I'm tired, I have enough on my plate already, why did I commit to this?" I reflected on the words of Lisa Nichols, and I'm paraphrasing, "stop waiting til everything is perfect because things will never be perfect, somebody needs to see you as you are and watch your progress." When I heard those words a tear fell from my eye, because I'm finding every excuse in world not to do this and here this lady is telling me somebody needs to hear from Lynyadia right now, as she goes through the struggle, the pain, the feelings of insecurity and all the imperfections. People love a good success story, but to watch the progress is even more powerful. So I tell you reading this, your journey is NOT yours, your journey is for the person watching you, wondering how you do it. Whatever your story is, whatever it is you are going through or have been through, don't let that stop you from being the best you. I find myself complaining so much about things going on in my life, for example, living pay check to pay check and trying to figure life out . Memories of my past haunting me, wondering maybe if my dad was around as a child life would have been better, maybe if I wasn't sexually assaulted I would love myself, just maybe I wouldn't deal with this depression. Feelings of pity on myself because I'm such a screw up. How did you get here and more importantly why are you still in this predicament. Come on I know you guys can relate. I choose this day to stop the "woe it's me act" and let go of it all. I cannot allow all of this mess to keep me from living my best life. And you can not either. Stop the pity parties , because God definitely doesn't show up to those.  LET IT GO.  Bad things happen to good people. Yup, you made a horrible decision and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions, but it's still not the end. So keep going sis, don't give up! WHEN you get through, yup little oh you will get through whatever it is and guess what? Your story has now given hope to someone else. Don't be afraid of your testimony. Go through those trials with gladness, live through that hurt knowing this is not the end, and go for that thing you desire. Do it, not just for yourself, but for all the people watching you. Some near and some far cheering you on in life. Because when you win, they win. When you get through the storm , they can now look to you for insight on how to make it through their own storm. Tell of how good God is to you. How He helps you, how He brought you through the rain and the fire, and how He never left your side as you went through. Most importantly how He took you through, so now you are able to help someone get through what they are going through.

Life is sometimes hard.  Some of us have it harder than others, but we all struggle with something at some point in life.  We have to learn how to "go from poor me to please poor me a drink and celebrate with me."  Start setting small goals to celebrate yourself more.  The more you celebrate yourself the less time you have to think about the bad things in life.  Don't hide behind your struggles, live bold through them.  You are not alone, too many are facing the same trials, so live and have joy through your struggle so that someone can ask "how does she do it?"  This attitude will not change the trials you face, but it will change the way you see yourself through them.  Join me and pour yourself a glass of wine (or your choice of drink) and CELEBRATE YOU!  because YOU are AMAZINGLY AWESOME! I need you to know this!  #YouGotThis


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 5 Scriptures to encourage you through the hard times:

  1. James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
  2. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.
  3. Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
  4. Nahum 1:7  The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust Him.
  5. Matthew 6:25-27  "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.  Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, for they neither reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?  Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

Hope this helps someone! Like, Comment, Share! Thank You for reading!

You Got This!


Break Out, Before You Break Down.

Break Out, Before You Break Down.

Just Go For It!

Just Go For It!