SOS Send Help : A look into Motherhood

SOS Send Help : A look into Motherhood

Send help! There's a war going on out here and the kids are winning. These past 2 weeks have been quite interesting for me as a mom. And not mean in a good way. The chirren are testing my nerves. You know how ya mama used to say you don't have nerves? I think I've reverted back to that Because my nerves are shot. I think their all gone. Like I aint got no more. So this is my SOS. Send a mama some help because Im over here losing my sanity.

Toddler Girl wearing stripe shirt

Let's start with the little one. She's so cute, but so disrespectful. This child refuses to go to the potty. I've tried everything from treats to threats. None of it works. The other night we are laying on the sofa watching a movie and this stinch comes across my nostrils and I almost die. It almost took me out. What is it? Who done it? Clearly it wasn't me. There lies MY child laying on my sofa feet up, arms behind her head with Johnny Johnny playing on You Tube and a huge grin plastered on her face. It was her! Guilty as charged, without a care to give. That left me, the parent the duty of cleaning her poopy mess. Yall know what I wanted to say. She's gone from her asking to use the potty to now pooping on herself everyday single day. She's two, but she's extremely smart and she know's what she's doing. That's why I get so upset with her. It's like she does it on purpose to drive me insane. Atleast that's what I tell myself anyway. This has got to stop before I loose my ish. I can't do it and I'm tired of cleaning what seems like adult poop off of this child. Send Help or wine, either will do.


Now my big boy. Have you ever had to help a child with homework? If not I'm jealous of you. My son is so smart but someone needs to let him know that he doesn't know everything. He is in the second grade and helping with homework makes me want to run away. I absolutely loathe it. Like this child clearly knows everything there is to know about EVERYTHING. When I try explaining things to him I'm told that "you are wrong mom, that's not right." I mean whatever it is. Like I don't know what I'm talking about because this 7 year old has all the answers. I'm trying not to be the "Johnny had 7 damn apples" mom, but he pushing me yall. We all know what happens when you're on the edge and get pushed. Insert face palm emoji here. Let's not even begin to talk about reading comprehension. You know what, I'm not even going there. I'm over here losing this battle called motherhood and I'm just trying to be great.


Thank you for attending my rant, it is however over. For now!! My kids are really not that bad , but at times they make want to pull every strand of hair from head. This post was indeed a rant but also to let other moms know "it aint just you sis." We all are going through and we all need help from time to time. In a world where we have to feel like Superwoman, it is okay to feel like youre losing it. Sis we all out here losing it. I was told that if you've never felt this way, then you're doing something wrong. Like the kids are pushing you to the limit and you don't know what to do. Again, it ain't just you sis. So mom's don't beat yourself up for feeling like you don't have it all together. None of us do and that's perfectly fine. Like Chris Brown said, "you got it girl, you got it." Some days you'll feel like you got it all together and you're killin it. Other days not so much. Maybe you want to pull all your hair out, but here's a reminder for you, YOU GOT THIS!

Signed a mom currently losing it,

Yadie Signature graphic

Do you ever feel like you're “losing it" as a mom? Let me know in the comments.

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