15 Ways to Self Care

15 Ways to Self Care

Self Care is essential for everyone. If you’re breathing you need to make some time to care for yourself. What exactly is self care though? Self care is essentially any activity that we do intentionally in order to nourish our mental, emotional, and physical health. In other words, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So take some “ME time” and replenish yourself. Sometimes we need to take a moment to intentionally nourish ourselves and our well being. Because life. How am I supposed to self care when I have absolutely no extra time? I know you were thinking it because I ask myself that all the time.

I know better than anyone about not having time. Chile, I am a mother, wife, employee, blogger and so forth. I never have time to do anything extra, especially for myself. I’ve learned that if I don’t take a moment for myself I’ll eventually give out. Literally! Trust me I learned the hard way. Self care is super important and lack of time is probably the most used excuse as to why we don’t self care. So, this handy, dandy, right on time list should certaintly help you achieve some self care. Let's fit in self care, when we get those few extra minutes and here's how:

Only 5 minutes, No problem!

Photo Courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

Photo Courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

  • Pray. Walk away from whatever you are doing and say a prayer. Prayer is soothing and being connected to God will certainly nourish your soul.

  • Read. Read one of your favorite blogger's new blogpost to get your self care on. Most blogposts take five minutes or less to read. You can get some me time in for a quick 5 minutes. Don’t have a favorite? A quick google or pintrest search will take you to your desired destination. (Inserts shameless plug here 4greyblog.com, is always a winner)

  • Write. Write it out. This is one of my favorite activities to do. Write out how you feel, what you are thinking, your goals, etc. Taking five minutes out of your day to write out whatever is on your heart is certainly seld care. Personally, I find writing to be theraputic. So with those five little minutes take five minutes you have, give it a try.

  • Exercise. 5 minutes is enough time to get some exercise in. Try stretching, nailing your favorite Yoga poise, or a quick five minute work out to make you feel great. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it can certainly be helpful for self care.

I’ve got 10 minutes, what should I do?

Photo courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

Photo courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

  • Shower. A nice hot shower will give you complete life. Have about 10 minutes on your hand? Chile you better hop in the shower. Don’t forget to lock the door just in case the rug rats realize you are missing. LOL

  • Devotional. 10 minutes is a good amout of time to indulge in a good devotional. Devotionals replenish you and help you connect to God.

  • Do Nothing. You heard me! Take 10 minutes and do absolutely NOTHING. Hey you'd be surprised what a good 10 minutes of nothing would do for you.

  • Put on a Face Mask. This one is actually on my bucket list. Yup I have a self care bucket list. (Lol) I’ve heard really good things about face masks, so I can't wait to tell you how this goes.

  • Read. Pull out your favorite reading materials i.e. bible, book, magazine etc. And get your read on. Give a quick 10 minutes to reading something that interests you.

30 minutes is enough time to self care

Photo courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

Photo courtesy of Shots by Priiincesss

  • All the above.

  • Go for a walk. Take a nice walk with your 30 minutes. Walking has always been a go to for me. Especially when the weather is nice. A 30 minute walk can help you self care, clear your mind and be your exercise for the day. You got 30 minutes? Go take you a walk.

  • Do your nails. For me this is so therapeutic. Not to mention it was a ritual of my mom and I, so doing my nails always puts me in a good mood. Take care of yourself and your nails Sis. All you need is 30 minutes.

  • Power Nap. Chile, one of the things I miss from childhood is nap time. Boy did I take those things for granted. There is nothing in the world like a power nap to get your self care on.

A whole hour, the possibilities are endless (Tell me your secret how’d you get so lucky?) Lol

How to Self Care
  • All the above.

  • Massage. Getting a massage is like the self care motto. Chile, if you get yourself a whole hour, GET A MASSAGE. This is like the epitome of self care.

  • Watch Television. Most times when I get a whole hour to myself, I indulge in a little TV. This is when those hulu, netflix and DVR's come in handy. Get ya binge watch on with that hour.

  • Bubble Bath. Another childhood favorite has become a self care remedy. I love hot bubble baths. Coupled with a good book and a glass of wine and forget about reality for a while. Again don’t forget to lock the door.

Self care is extremely important, yet many of us don't take enough time for ourselves. We take care of everyone and everything, but neglect ourselves. Especially us mothers. There's never enough time in the day, but maybe if we take those little extra moments and focus on self care, we can eventually make self cate a habit. Use this list as a guide to start getting your self care on with the little time you do have. I hope this helps.

Get your self care on,


What are some of your self care regimens?

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