Let me run the ball coach

Let me run the ball coach

This football season my son, G4 played park ball on the 5 and 6 year old team for Milne here in New Orleans. My son found a new love for football this season. Last year he liked it but this year was different. He loved it! He was ready for practice every day, he wanted to do extra drills at home and everytime he opened his mouth the conversation led to football. It's safe to say that my son is a good player. He plays a few different positions including running back, offensive line, defensive tackle and line backer. He's arguably one of the best athletes on his team. He was even recognized as player of the week this season. Last year he never got a chance to play running back so his first time running the ball did something to him. It was an experience like never before. He bacame addicted, all he wanted to do was run the ball. " let me run it coach" became his known quote. Constant brags about breaking ankles and such, he was so happy. Coach had to make a decision to have G4 play on the line because they really needed one of their best blockers to do just that. Block! Block! Block! Although he's good at blocking he wanted the ball. Having him block was what was best for the team though. Of course a 6 year old doesn't understand that. Constantly he pouted and whined, but he did what the coach told him to. Watching my son perform in this manner got me to thinking about myself. Sometimes God places me in the position He sees fit and I do just like my son complain, cry and pout because I want to do something different or be someplace else. Been there?


God sometimes places us in certain positions and situations for His reasoning and because it's best for us. We dont have the wisdom of God, so we dont see things the way HE does. So we complain, pout and whine about where we are or what we are doing, when infact the position we are in is in our best interest. We react like my 6 year old, when we cant do what we wanna do and God places us where we are best. We might not understand the reasoning but bests believe God does everything for our good. Romans 8:28 says "and we know that all things work together for good to them who love God and are the called according to His purpose.” Think about it. Have you ever prayed for something, got it and then find yourself crying about it? Too often we do this. We ask for jobs, cars and things and when we get them we are dissatisfied and are looking for better. We ignore the fact that we've once asked for those things. God most definitely did not. Sometimes He gives us our wishes to show us we didnt need them but sometimes He blesses us to be in certain positions for our own good, although we may not understand it.

Before I started working as a mail carrier, I worked in retail. I absolutely hated it. I remember filling out every application possible praying for something better to come along. Then I filled out the application for the postal service and to my surprise I was offered the job. The money was good and it was an actual career. I was excited and thanked God for finally answering my prayers. But Lord I did ’t know all that this job entailed. I believed the job would be so easy and I'd make great money. Boy was I wrong. I've been wanting to quit just as long as I've been working here. It's crazy that something I once prayed for I am now praying to get out of. I guess the saying is true be careful what u ask for you just might get it. Recently I recognized that God has placed me in this job for a reason. Although I have filled out a bunch of applications and have gone on a few interviews, yet still I'm a mail carrier, tells me that God has me in this position and I shouldn't pout , whine or cry, but have joy knowing that if God has placed me here then its gotta be what's best for me.


Take a brief look at your life right now. Are you where you wanna be? Are you in a place that you once prayed to be in? Are you ready to be moved out of that position? Are you like me and complain and pout about where you are? Let's make an effort to stop it today. Although we wanna run the ball, God needs us to block right now. It’s what's best for the team. And ultimately we will win. This is the season of gratitude. Where we think and talk about all the things we are grateful for. Let's be grateful for the positions we currently hold. I'm not saying become complacent and dont want for better, but have joy where you are, while God works out your next position. Block if its what's best for the team right now, you'll run the ball soon enough.


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