Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the Rain

Spring has always been my favorite season.  I always loved the warm weather, beautiful blooming flowers, and pretty pastels that are unleashed this time of year.  As an adult I've grown to love Fall for other reasons, but Spring will always hold my heart.  I've never been a lover of rain so I used to wish I could fast forward those April showers. Cues music... "I feel the wind, five six seven, eight nine ten, Begin, I sit on Hill's like Lauryn
Until the rain starts, coming down, pouring chill, I got my umbrella... against my window I can't stand the rain. " Although this song wasn't completely about the rain it cosigned my true dislike for the rain.  I remember singing this Missy Elliott song all the time. My hate for the rain was real.


Now as an adult I appreciate the rain though and not for the reasons I probably should. (Inserts Kanye shrugs.)  As a mail carrier I have to work in all sorts of elements and up until recently rain was the most hated.  We've been getting alot of rain here in New Orleans lately and as I am on this journey of growing and glowing, I'm trying to look at everything in a positive light.  You know count my blessings and lessen my complaints.   But,  see I never could figure out this rain thing. Yeah I know the earth needs the rain, the grass and the beautiful flowers that I love so much need it too. I know all that but,  like how does it directly affect me?  Last week as I walked through what felt like a hurricane, I finally figured it out.  In the rain I found my strength.    Figuratively and literally.  At work even when the rain is pouring down I have to walk through it still delivering the mail.  Walking through the rain takes strength and humility.  The resistance that the rain creates takes strength to get through and true humility to pass out destroyed letters as if they are in perfect condition.  I have to completely humble myself and stroll like I'm walking through a sunny day.  Chile, it takes so much out of me, but I do it.  It takes strength and I aint talking muscles.


See when you're in the rain the goal is to get to safety.  Sometimes you are a few feet away and sometimes you have to walk blocks before you finally find cover.   The storm doesn't just cease along your journey either. Sometimes it rages more. Not to mention the lightning and thunder that rumbles so abruptly.  Storms are unpredictable.   It could be raining in one place and have complete sunshine in another.  By now I hope you know that I am not just speaking of natural rain.  I'm talking about the storms that come and sometimes try to choke life out of you.  How do you deal with the storms of life?  Well personally I have adapted to dancing in the rain.  James 1:2 says "2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials."  See as it literally poured down on me last week, I thought I'd never make it to my destination, but, then I did.  As time went on eventually the rain stopped.  The storm was over just like that and I, little oh me had made it through.  But the whole while the rain was coming down my countenance never changed.  I remained joyous in a time where I'd normally pout, cry and complain.  What this taught me was, storms are gonna come and sometimes theres no way to prepare for them, but they don't last always.   I know, I know it sounds cliche, but its true.  The storms of life will pass through, that's a given, but how will you go through it?  Will you drown in the flooded waters or will you dance with me in the rain?See, I have decided to pull out my rain boots and DANCE.   I have done away with the lyrics "I can't stand the rain."  It's not about what you go through but how you go through life is gonna happen, the rain is gonna come.  And even if it rains all night long, remember tomorrow the sun will shine again.




How do you face the storms in your life? 

Where my village?

Where my village?

