My Reverse Bucket List: 33 Things I've Done in 33 Years

My Reverse Bucket List: 33 Things I've Done in 33 Years

First off, let me start this off with IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Yay, imagine the virtual confetti all over your screen right now. That’s right your girl has hit the 33 mile marker of life. I can honestly say I am truly blessed. Now a days most people don’t make it to even see 33. So this is definitely a blessing for me. Every birthday I set a bunch of goals and create a bucket list of things I want to complete for the year. This year my sis, Ambriana challenged me to focus on all the things I have already completed in my life. We decided to do this collab and take a walk down memory lane. Check out her travel edition here.

We are all always on a constant success ladder. Needing to feed ourselves with more. Like Drake said, “more life, more Everything” right? While this is indeed true, we can’t allow our greed of wanting all that life has to offer, let us forget what we have already been blessed with. So this year I am taking a look back on my 33 years and remembering the experiences God has blessed me to live in. My reverse bucket list is a reminder of how God has showed himself true in my life. It is a reminder of how I came, I saw and conquered. Though by God’s grace I have a lot of life left to live, I’ve learned that one great way to thrive in your life is to stop and inhale the blessings you already have. And that is exactly what I am doing today…

My Reverse Bucket List : 33 Things I have done in my 33 Years of Life

  1. Learned how to thrive in my thirties. ( Last year I challenged myself to walk more boldly, to take up space in this world and be audacious enough to be who God has called me to be.) Look at me now!

  2. Graduated from one of the best high schools in New Orleans

  3. Was Baptized ( Super Proud Moment)

  4. Write for a dope brand: High on Beignets

  5. Got married to the Love of My Life

My Reverse Bucket List

6. Rode on an airplane ( This took 31 years to do, but I did it)

7. Saw Sarah Jakes Roberts Live ( I attended the Refuse to Lose Conference, so dope!)

8.Grew an online sisterhood ( Click here to join the squad)

9. Became a Mom ( Twice!!)

My babies and I

My babies and I

10. Worked as a Mail Carrier (for 5 years actually)

11. Went to my first Women’s Retreat

12.Paid for my car in cash (NO CAR NOTE!) HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT

13. Became more confident & wrote an E-Book about it

14. Visited Punta Cana

15.Speaking of Punta Cana, Skinny Dipped (Shhh!)

16. Zip lined


17. I’ve seen my favorite rapper in concert. The GOAT Lil Wayne

18.Inspired others with my writing

19. Had a VIP media gig for Essence Festival

Woman wearing blue jumpsuit standing on red carpet

Curvy Girl Fashion Show Essence Festival

20. Learned the power of the word NO! (Whew Chile)

21. I survived Hurricane Katrina

22. I Loc’d my hair ( This has been a rewarding journey)

24. Overcame Postpartum Depression

25. Survived the death of my mom


25. Took my family on a International Trip


26. Have had a successful blog for 2 years

27. Rode horses with my son in the plains of Punta Cana

28.Overcame my Fear of missing out

29. Stepped out on faith and quit my secure government job

30.Seen Beyoncé live in conert

31.Welcomed my dad home after 10+ years in prison

Reverse Bucket List

32.Been a bridesmaid in 5 weddings

33. Lived for 33 years, Happy Birthday to Me!


As I look at this list, I can say I am truly blessed. If I’m being honest, I started to get down on myself a little realizing that there are many things that I still haven't done yet in my life. That feeling was short lived, I was reminded that I have lived a joyous life filled with many experiences. This list shows that and I can’t wait to make many more memories and live in the experiences to come. Now I've told you mine, now tell me one thing on your reverse bucket list in the comments. Here's to more life, more everything! Oh and another year of Life!

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